DASH-ONTO Ontology Documentation
Welcome to the DASH-ONTO documentation!
You can find descriptions of the standard ontology engineering workflows here.
Terms and definition
IRI | label | def |
DASH-Onto_0000003 | Agreement drafting | A process which has as expected output a draft of an agreement. |
DASH-Onto_0000006 | Agreement signature | A planned process in which the required parties sign an agreement proposal to signify their agreement with the proposed terms. The resulting document is an agreement document. |
DASH-Onto_0000001 | Application for data to data custodian | A process by which a project research group seeks to obtain permission to have access to data items from a data custodian. |
DASH-Onto_0000085 | DASH DC Monitor process | A project component activity that permits DASH to restart DC-specific DC activities and communicate this fact to the DC, the latter taking appropriate actions in response. |
DASH-Onto_0000013 | DASH Data advice | A process by which a DASH User acquires information about metadata, data metrics and data provenance elements of data items, as well as selection functions. |
DASH-Onto_0000017 | DASH Eligibility decision | A process that takes the results of site Eligibility Reviews and, based on discussions with the research group, comes to a final decision on whether a project should proceed. |
DASH-Onto_0000018 | DASH Feasibility decision | A process that has as a result a final decision regarding a set of data custodian feasibility reviews. |
DASH-Onto_0000019 | DASH Oversight | A DASH coordination process in which a project workflow is directed to provide one of: DASH guidance to a PRG; allow for the completion of a form associated with an HDC application process; termination of a project, including a project debrief. |
DASH-Onto_0000012 | DASH Project advice | nan |
DASH-Onto_0000014 | DASH Support advice | A process by which a DASH User acquires information about services offered by a data custodian. |
DASH-Onto_0000084 | DASH TEA Monitor process | A project component activity that permits DASH to restart DC-specific TEA activities and communicate this fact to the DC, the latter taking appropriate actions in response. |
DASH-Onto_0000009 | DASH activity | nan |
DASH-Onto_0000016 | DASH eligibility advice | A process by which a DASH User acquires information about eligibility requirements from a data custodian. |
DASH-Onto_0000011 | DASH-PRG Guidance | A process having as participants DASH members and DASH users. It includes guided exploration and identification of services desired from project workflow contributors. |
DASH-Onto_0000004 | DC Agreement drafting | A process which has as expected output a draft of a legal agreement between a PRG and a DC (Glossary: Agreement drafting). |
DASH-Onto_0000045 | DC Agreement resource and cost review | A resource and cost review which finalises costs and resource use for inclusion within a legal agreement between a PRG and a DC. |
DASH-Onto_0000046 | DC Agreement review | nan |
DASH-Onto_0000007 | DC Agreement signature | An agreement signature where the required parties are a data custodian and a project research group. |
DASH-Onto_0000049 | Data Access Request Review | A review performed by a DASH to confirm that information required by an HDC application process is complete and available for submission to the HDC |
DASH-Onto_0000010 | Data Access Request completion | nan |
DASH-Onto_0000022 | Data assembly | A process to produce and validate a DC specfiic project dataset. |
DASH-Onto_0000050 | Data availability cohort review | A review performed by a data custodian team in collaboration with a project research group which assesses whether the [cohort] data item requirements defined by a project protocol can be fullfilled by a data custodian. |
DASH-Onto_0000051 | Data availability extract review | A review performed by a data custodian team in collaboration with a project research group which assesses whether the [extract] data item requirements defined by a project protocol can be fullfilled by a data custodian. |
DASH-Onto_0000047 | Data controller review | A review performed by a data controller team which evaluates project protocol alignment with its policies and, if applicable, delegated data control agreements |
DASH-Onto_0000029 | Data custodian Project cohort preparation | A data selection by which a project cohort identifier list is generated. |
DASH-Onto_0000020 | Data custodian activity | nan |
DASH-Onto_0000023 | Data custodian agreement | nan |
DASH-Onto_0000031 | Data custodian data preparation | A data processing generating a new data asset using a transformation function which has as input a set of datasets. |
DASH-Onto_0000048 | Data custodian feasibility review | nan |
DASH-Onto_0000024 | Data custodian governance | nan |
DASH-Onto_0000054 | Data custodian governance review | nan |
DASH-Onto_0000032 | Data custodian privacy enhancing technique processing | A sub-process of data assembly by which privacy enhancing technique functions are applied by a data custodian technical team to the dataset which is the output of the data preparation. |
DASH-Onto_0000025 | Data custodian project feasibility | nan |
DASH-Onto_0000052 | Data eligibility review | An eligibility review performed by a data custodian team which uses custodian-defined governance criteria to establish the right of the project research group to have a project protocol evaluated by the DCG team. |
DASH-Onto_0000053 | Data estimated resource cost review | A review performed by a data custodian team which determines resources and cost required to provide access to data items, and other requested services options (if applicable). |
DASH-Onto_0000026 | Data placement | A process by which a D-SPD is copied to another organisation's infrastructure or a TEA. |
DASH-Onto_0000027 | Data processing | A process by which a dataset is generated by applying a function to a set of datasets. |
DASH-Onto_0000028 | Data selection | A data processing generating a new data asset using a selection function which has as input a set of datasets. |
DASH-Onto_0000030 | Data transformation | A data processing generating a new data asset using a transformation function which has as input a set of datasets. |
DASH-Onto_0000055 | Ethics assessment review | A application element review which ensures that appropriate documentation arising from an ethics committee assessment was submitted as part of an application process. |
DASH-Onto_0000056 | Funding review | An application element review which ensures that an appropriate documentation from some funding source was submitted as part of an application process. |
DASH-Onto_0000038 | Knowledge production | A process by which project research group members include a project analysis data output into an artefact for release to the wider interested community. |
DASH-Onto_0000057 | Non-disclosure agreement review | A review performed by a DC confirming the completion and usability of a non-disclosure agreement. |
DASH-Onto_0000034 | Orientation validation | A process by which one or more project research group members demonstrate knowledge of the requirements that a data custodian places on the use and handling of D-SPD provided to ensure continued good governance of that D-SPD and associated project analysis and publication. |
DASH-Onto_0000059 | Privacy Enhancing Technique Review | A review by a DC confirming that PET processing has been performed during a data assembly. |
DASH-Onto_0000058 | Privacy, Confidentiality and Security Review | A review with the goal of ensuring that privacy and patient-practitioner confidentiality are not compromised during processes directed by the project protocol. |
DASH-Onto_0000021 | Process DASH data custodian instruction | A DASH instruction to a DC, sent by an agreed method, requesting a DC-related project component activity be completed. |
DASH-Onto_0000037 | Process DASH project research group instruction | A DASH instruction to a PRG, sent by an agreed method, requesting a PRG-related project component activity be completed. |
DASH-Onto_0000083 | Process DASH trusted environment for analysis instruction | A DASH instruction to a DC, sent by an agreed method, requesting a TEA-related project component activity be completed. |
DASH-Onto_0000040 | Project Analysis | A process enabling a PRG to analyse one or more D-SPD as input. |
DASH-Onto_0000041 | Project Cohort evaluation | A process by which a project cohort preparation takes place and the size of a project cohort identifier list is evaluated in the context of a project protocol. |
DASH-Onto_0000042 | Project Publication | nan |
DASH-Onto_0000060 | Project analysis data output review | A review conducted by a data controller team to evaluate whether a project analysis data output can be transferred to a different data custodian as requested by a PRG. |
DASH-Onto_0000033 | Project analysis data processing | A data processing by which a D-SPD is transformed by project analysts. |
DASH-Onto_0000035 | Project debrief | A process performed by a DASH following the decision and action to end a project - in conjunction with a PRG and participating DCs - to learn lessons from that project. |
DASH-Onto_0000039 | Project decision | A process that takes the results of site Feasibility Reviews and, based on discussions with the project research group, comes to a final decision on whether a project should proceed to a formal data access request and governance review. |
DASH-Onto_0000043 | Project publication drafting | A process by which project research group members include a project analysis data output into an artefact for release to the wider interested community. |
DASH-Onto_0000062 | Project publication review | A review conducted by a organisation team to evaluate whether a project publication candidate can be made available outside the project research group. |
DASH-Onto_0000036 | Project research group activity | nan |
DASH-Onto_0000082 | Project research group orientation validation | A project research group activity by which one or more project research group members demonstrate knowledge of the requirements that a data custodian places on the use and handling of D-SPD provided to ensure continued good governance of that D-SPD and associated project analysis and publication. |
DASH-Onto_0000073 | Project submission | nan |
DASH-Onto_0000044 | Review | A process in which a set of artefacts are used by an organisation team to establish whether a condition required by a process is met. |
DASH-Onto_0000061 | Scientific assessment review | An application element review which ensures that appropriate documentation arising from a Scientific Peer review assessment was submitted as part of an application process. |
DASH-Onto_0000015 | Scored data custodian cost | A resource and cost valuation by a DASH based on aggregate data associated with similar projects performed in the past by that DASH. |
DASH-Onto_0000070 | TEA Agreement | nan |
DASH-Onto_0000005 | TEA Agreement drafting | A process which has as expected output a draft of a legal agreement between a PRG and a TEA provider. |
DASH-Onto_0000063 | TEA Agreement resource and cost review | A resource and cost review which finalises costs and resource use for inclusion within a legal agreement between a PRG and a TEA provider. |
DASH-Onto_0000064 | TEA Agreement review | nan |
DASH-Onto_0000008 | TEA Agreement signature | An agreement signature where the required parties are those data custodians contributing to the TEA and a project research group. |
DASH-Onto_0000071 | TEA Governance | nan |
DASH-Onto_0000072 | TEA Project feasibility | nan |
DASH-Onto_0000066 | TEA eligibility review | An eligibility review performed by a TEA provider which uses custodian-defined governance criteria to establish the right of the project research group to have a project protocol evaluated by that TEA provider. |
DASH-Onto_0000067 | TEA estimated resource and cost review | A resource and cost review which estimates the costs and resources expected to be used by a TEA provider in the fulfilment of a project protocol. |
DASH-Onto_0000065 | TEA feasibility review | nan |
DASH-Onto_0000068 | TEA support review | A requested services review performed by a TEA provider. |
DASH-Onto_0000069 | Trusted Environment for Analysis activity | nan |