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DASH-ONTO Ontology Documentation

Welcome to the DASH-ONTO documentation!

You can find descriptions of the standard ontology engineering workflows here.


Terms and definition

term definition
DASH DC Monitor process A project component activity that permits DASH to restart DC-specific DC activities and communicate this fact to the DC, the latter taking appropriate actions in response.
DASH Data advice A process by which a DASH User acquires information about metadata, data metrics and data provenance elements of data items, as well as selection functions.
DASH Oversight A DASH coordination process in which a project workflow is directed to provide one of: DASH guidance to a PRG; allow for the completion of a form associated with an HDC application process; termination of a project, including a project debrief.
DASH Support advice A process by which a DASH User acquires information about services offered by a data custodian.
DASH TEA Monitor process A project component activity that permits DASH to restart DC-specific TEA activities and communicate this fact to the DC, the latter taking appropriate actions in response.
DASH eligibility advice A process by which a DASH User acquires information about eligibility requirements from a data custodian.
DC Agreement drafting A process which has as expected output a draft of a legal agreement between a PRG and a DC (Glossary: Agreement drafting).
DC Agreement resource and cost review A resource and cost review which finalises costs and resource use for inclusion within a legal agreement between a PRG and a DC.
DC Agreement signature An agreement signature where the required parties are a data custodian and a project research group.
Data Access Request Review A review performed by a DASH to confirm that information required by an HDC application process is complete and available for submission to the HDC
Data availability cohort review A review performed by a data custodian team in collaboration with a project research group which assesses whether the [cohort] data item requirements defined by a project protocol can be fullfilled by a data custodian.
Data availability extract review A review performed by a data custodian team in collaboration with a project research group which assesses whether the [extract] data item requirements defined by a project protocol can be fullfilled by a data custodian.
Data controller review A review performed by a data controller team which evaluates project protocol alignment with its policies and, if applicable, delegated data control agreements
Data custodian Project cohort preparation A data selection by which a project cohort identifier list is generated.
Data custodian data preparation A data processing generating a new data asset using a transformation function which has as input a set of datasets.
Data custodian privacy enhancing technique processing A sub-process of data assembly by which privacy enhancing technique functions are applied by a data custodian technical team to the dataset which is the output of the data preparation.
Data eligibility review An eligibility review performed by a data custodian team which uses custodian-defined governance criteria to establish the right of the project research group to have a project protocol evaluated by the DCG team.
Data estimated resource cost review A review performed by a data custodian team which determines resources and cost required to provide access to data items, and other requested services options (if applicable).
Data placement A process by which a D-SPD is copied to another organisation's infrastructure or a TEA.
Data processing A process by which a dataset is generated by applying a function to a set of datasets.
Data transformation A data processing generating a new data asset using a transformation function which has as input a set of datasets.
Ethics assessment review A application element review which ensures that appropriate documentation arising from an ethics committee assessment was submitted as part of an application process.
Funding review An application element review which ensures that an appropriate documentation from some funding source was submitted as part of an application process.
Non-disclosure agreement review A review performed by a DC confirming the completion and usability of a non-disclosure agreement.
Privacy Enhancing Technique Review A review by a DC confirming that PET processing has been performed during a data assembly.
Privacy, Confidentiality and Security Review A review with the goal of ensuring that privacy and patient-practitioner confidentiality are not compromised during processes directed by the project protocol.
Process DASH data custodian instruction A DASH instruction to a DC, sent by an agreed method, requesting a DC-related project component activity be completed.
Process DASH project research group instruction A DASH instruction to a PRG, sent by an agreed method, requesting a PRG-related project component activity be completed.
Process DASH trusted environment for analysis instruction A DASH instruction to a DC, sent by an agreed method, requesting a TEA-related project component activity be completed.
Project analysis data output review A review conducted by a data controller team to evaluate whether a project analysis data output can be transferred to a different data custodian as requested by a PRG.
Project debrief A process performed by a DASH following the decision and action to end a project - in conjunction with a PRG and participating DCs - to learn lessons from that project.
Project publication drafting A process by which project research group members include a project analysis data output into an artefact for release to the wider interested community.
Project publication review A review conducted by a organisation team to evaluate whether a project publication candidate can be made available outside the project research group.
Project research group orientation validation A project research group activity by which one or more project research group members demonstrate knowledge of the requirements that a data custodian places on the use and handling of D-SPD provided to ensure continued good governance of that D-SPD and associated project analysis and publication.
Scientific assessment review An application element review which ensures that appropriate documentation arising from a Scientific Peer review assessment was submitted as part of an application process.
Scored data custodian cost A resource and cost valuation by a DASH based on aggregate data associated with similar projects performed in the past by that DASH.
Send signal A planned process by which a plan entity sends a specific signal to a specified channel.
TEA Agreement drafting A process which has as expected output a draft of a legal agreement between a PRG and a TEA provider.
TEA Agreement resource and cost review A resource and cost review which finalises costs and resource use for inclusion within a legal agreement between a PRG and a TEA provider.
TEA Agreement signature An agreement signature where the required parties are those data custodians contributing to the TEA and a project research group.
TEA eligibility review An eligibility review performed by a TEA provider which uses custodian-defined governance criteria to establish the right of the project research group to have a project protocol evaluated by that TEA provider.
TEA estimated resource and cost review A resource and cost review which estimates the costs and resources expected to be used by a TEA provider in the fulfilment of a project protocol.
TEA support review A requested services review performed by a TEA provider.
Wait for signal A planned process by which a plan entity waits until a specific signal is available through a specified channel; then ends.