OpenLHS-Core_0000009 |
informational entity |
nan |
OpenLHS-Core_0000010 |
pragmatically accepted statement |
A statement for which there is at least one contributor such that if it/he acts upon it, it/he will treat it as true. |
OpenLHS-Core_0000011 |
government sanctioned statement |
A pragmatically accepted statement authored by a governement or a related organization such that if this organization acts upon it, it will treat it as true. |
OpenLHS-Core_0000012 |
informational slot |
An informational entity that can be filled by an informational filler. |
OpenLHS-Core_0000013 |
informational filler |
An informational entity that fills an informational slot. |
OpenLHS-Core_0000020 |
canadian postal address |
A postal address that can be used to help the delivery of something in Canada. |
OpenLHS-Core_0000021 |
canadian census subdivision identifier |
An identifier that denotes a Canadian municipality (as determined by provincial/territorial legislation) or a Canadian area treated as a municipal equivalent for statistical purposes (e.g., Indian reserves, Indian settlements and unorganized territories). |
OpenLHS-Core_0000022 |
canadian first-order administrative region identifier |
An identifier that denotes a Canadian province or a Canadian territory. |
OpenLHS-Core_0000023 |
canadian forward sorting area code |
An identifier that denotes a geographical region on which is based the first three characters of a Canadian postal code. |
OpenLHS-Core_0000024 |
postal address city |
An identifier that denotes a city and is intended to be used as part of a postal address. |
OpenLHS-Core_0000025 |
postal address country |
An identifier that denotes a country and is intended to be used as part of a postal address. |
OpenLHS-Core_0000026 |
canadian postal code |
A postal code that denotes some geographical region in Canada. |
OpenLHS-Core_0000027 |
request |
An information content entity specifiying one or several types of processes that a party, whether a person or an organization, wants to see instantiated for the benefit of itself or another party. |
OpenLHS-Core_0000028 |
service agreement specification |
An information content entity that specifies a service agreement made between a request party and a service offer party, and aim to direct some processes that correspond to what has been agreed between the parties. |
OpenLHS-Core_0000029 |
service offer |
An information content entity describing the processes a person or an organization is willing to perform for a third-party. |
OpenLHS-Core_0000030 |
temporally qualifying statement |
A statement that states that an entity existed, exists or will exist at some point during a specified temporal region. |
OpenLHS-Core_0000031 |
process temporally qualifying statement |
A temporally qualifying statement stating that a temporal region overlaps with a temporal region during which some process occurred, occurs or will occur. |
OpenLHS-Core_0000033 |
process beginning statement |
A process temporally qualifying statement qualifying temporally the beginning of a process. |
OpenLHS-Core_0000034 |
process ending statement |
A process temporally qualifying statement qualifying temporally the ending of a process. |
OpenLHS-Core_0000035 |
service agreement negotiation |
A planned process of interaction between a request party and a service offer party having as specified input some request and some service offer and that aims to generate as output a service agreement. |
OpenLHS-Core_0000036 |
service delivery |
- A planned process that aims at fulfilling the commitments of a service agreement. |
- A planned process that is maximally directed by a service agreement specification. |
OpenLHS-Core_0000043 |
agent plan to act as if some statement was true |
A plan of an agent to act as if some statement was true. |
OpenLHS-Core_0000044 |
temporal qualification of the appearance of a plan to act as if some statement was true |
A continuant appearance statement that temporally qualifies the apparition of a plan to act as if some statement was true. |
OpenLHS-Core_0000045 |
temporal qualification of the disappearance of a plan to act as if some statement was true |
A continuant disappearance statement that temporally qualifies the disappearance of a plan to act as if some statement was true. |
OpenLHS-Core_0000051 |
continuant temporally qualifying statement |
A temporally qualifying statement stating that a temporal region overlaps with a temporal region during which some continuant exists. |
OpenLHS-Core_0000052 |
continuant appearance statement |
A continuant temporally qualifying statement qualifying temporally the appearance of a continuant. |
OpenLHS-Core_0000053 |
continuant disappearance statement |
A continuant temporally qualifying statement temporally qualifying the disappearance of a continuant. |
OpenLHS-Core_0000054 |
specified value |
nan |
OpenLHS-Core_0000055 |
numerical specified value |
nan |
OpenLHS-Core_0000056 |
unit qualified scalar specified value |
nan |
OpenLHS-Core_0000057 |
unit |
nan |
OpenLHS-Core_0000060 |
pathological condition |
An entity that is a disorder, a disease or a pathological bodily process |
OpenLHS-Core_0000065 |
temporal information |
An information content entity that denotes a one-dimension temporal region. |